Laura Bush, Please Protect Mother Polar Bears!

Our polar bears - and their cubs - are in big trouble. Scientists say that global warming is pushing them to the very brink of extinction. Now, as if that's not bad enough, President Bush continues to push for harmful drilling in one of the places most important to denning polar bears - the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Studies show that the noise from oil exploration and drilling can disturb and frighten denning mother polar bears, causing mother bears to abandon their dens and leaving their cubs to die.

White House photo by Tina Hager
According to a recent study, global warming could push polar bears to extinction within 25 years. Ironically, oil from the Arctic Refuge would not even begin to affect the price of a gallon of gasoline for at least 20 years after the Refuge is first drilled. Even then, it would lower gas prices by only about a penny per gallon.

Making sure our polar bears are around for our children is worth more than a penny a gallon.

President Bush may not listen to the American public's opposition to drilling, but maybe he'll listen to his wife. As an educator and a mother, Laura Bush should understand the devastating impact of oil drilling on polar bear mothers and their cubs.

This Mother's Day, ask Laura Bush to help mother polar bears by convincing her husband to leave the Arctic Refuge wild and free of oil drilling!
Dear Mrs. Bush,

This Mother's Day, I am writing to ask you to stand up for mother polar bears and to urge your husband, President Bush, to stop trying to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling.

The Arctic Refuge is one of the most important onshore denning habitats for America's remaining polar bears. And studies have shown that the noise from oil exploration and drilling can disturb and frighten denning mother polar bears, causing them to abandon their dens and leave their cubs to die.

As an educator and a mother, I know you can understand the importance of protecting habitat for mother polar bears. Recent studies have shown that global warming could push polar bears to extinction in just 25 years -- destroying their denning habitat will only drive them to extinction faster.

Also, oil from the Arctic Refuge would not even begin to affect the price of a gallon of gasoline for 20 years from the time the Refuge is first drilled. Even then, drilling would only lower gas prices by about a penny per gallon. Surely your husband would not risk driving polar bears to extinction for just a penny a gallon?

This Mother's Day, please help polar bear mothers, and ask President Bush to end his quest to drill for oil in the Arctic Refuge.

Happy Mother's Day!


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