Don't Let Trump Fast-Track the Dangerous Keystone XL Pipeline

The Keystone XL pipeline would carry up to 830,000 barrels of dirty tar sands oil each day from Canada's boreal forest through America's heartland—threatening our land, our drinking water supplies, our climate, and our clean energy future. 

A federal court halted the Keystone XL pipeline last year, but President Trump is now attempting to fast-track its construction by means of unlawful executive action. We must do everything we can to stop him.

Tell President Trump you oppose the Keystone XL pipeline and any other attempts to fast-track dangerous pro-polluter schemes at the expense of our climate and our clean energy future.

Subject line: I urge you to abandon the Keystone XL pipeline and won't stop fighting until you do

Dear President Trump:

I strongly oppose your attempts to fast-track development of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline through an executive action that flouts federal court authority. I urge you to reverse course at once.

A federal court has blocked construction on the Keystone XL, and an appeals court upheld that ruling. Instead of heeding their decisions, you are attempting to end-run their constitutional authority and bring this disastrous project back to life.

Keystone XL will threaten our land and drinking water supplies and keep us shackled to the fossil fuels of the past at a time when we must transition to clean and renewable energy and save our planet from climate catastrophe.

Please abandon the Keystone XL pipeline at once. Any further attempts to fast-track this pipeline or any other dangerous fossil fuel schemes will be met with swift opposition from me and millions of Americans across the country.

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