Urge the Government of Poland to Listen to Scientists and Not Increase Logging in the Ancient Białowieża Forest

  • av: Georgia B.
  • mottagare: Andrzej Duda, President of Poland

A proposal to increase logging in the ancient Białowieża Forest in Poland has drawn widespread criticism, according to a report in Nature.

Scientists who oppose logging in the forest suspect the Government's motives may be related to revenue. However, the Polish Ministry of the Environment says there is no commercial benefit and cite that the logging needs to occur to help control an outbreak of bark beetle in the forest.

However, the story reports: "Kowalczyk, who also opposes the logging proposal, says that the pest-control argument is misguided. Recurring bark-beetle outbreaks do not endanger the forest at large because more-resilient tree species spread and replace spruce, he says. “That’s a perfectly natural process and endlessly preferable to cutting down trees.” But Jarosław Krawczyk, spokesman for the regional state forest directorate in Białystok, says that the current outbreak is unprecedented in scale and has already begun to attack other tree species."

The 1,500-square-kilometre Białowieża Forest has remained largely unchanged for centuries and is home to a wide range of species, including insects, birds and mammals as well as the largest population of European bison.

The story reports" "Scientists with Poland’s State Council for Nature Conservation condemned the proposal and say the pest-control argument is misguided. Recurring bark-beetle outbreaks do not endanger the forest at large because more-resilient tree species spread and replace spruce."

Forests, especially ancient forests with a diverse range of wildlife, must be protected. Will you join me in urging the Polish government to not increase logging in the Bialowieza Forest?

Scientists have said the forest will manage the pest issue naturally.

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