Justice for Robert Dziekanski

  • av: Care2
  • mottagare: The Honourable John van Dongen, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General of British Columbia

Robert Dziekanski arrived at the Vancouver International Airport from Poland to reunite with his mother on October 13, 2007, and ten hours after his arrival, was shocked by a Taser by the Royal Canadian Mountain Police (RCMP) and died. Even more shocking, it is now one year later, and the government has yet to conduct a full investigation of Dziekanski's death.

Many issues surrounding Dziekanski remain unsettled, such as whether the RCMP used excessive force or not. It is imperative that a thorough investigation be conducted in order to properly assemble the facts, execute justice and prevent this event from repeating itself.

Citizens and international visitors alike need to trust that they will be treated fairly and humanely by the RCMP and the Canadian government. Even more importantly, Dziekanski's family deserves to have closure and know the exact details about his death. Let us not forget this tragedy--tell the Minister of Public Safety of British Columbia that we need justice without delay!

Dear Honourable van Dongen:

Robert Dziekanski arrived at the Vancouver International Airport from Poland to reunite with his mother on October 13, 2007, and ten hours after his arrival, was shocked by a Taser by the Royal Canadian Mountain Police (RCMP) and died.

Even more shocking, it is now one year later, and the government has yet to conduct a full investigation of Dziekanski's death.

This past February, retired B.C. Appeal Court justice Thomas Braidwood was appointed to lead the two-stage commission of inquiry into Dziekanski's death. While the first stage has been completed, which examined the energy weapons used by police other than the RCMP, the second and most crucial stage, which examines how and why Dziekanski died, has been postponed twice.

Many issues surrounding Dziekanski remain unsettled. Witnesses have claimed that the use of a Taser was unnecessary and that excessive force was used. In addition, the various accounts given by the policemen do not coincide with the video of the incident. It is imperative that a thorough investigation be conducted in order to properly assemble the facts, execute justice and prevent this event from repeating itself.

Citizens and international visitors alike need to trust that they will be treated fairly and humanely by the RCMP and the Canadian government. Even more importantly, Dziekanski's family deserves to have closure and know the exact details about his death. We urge you to stop the delays and instead conduct a thorough investigation of this tragedy.
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