Join the fight to protect benefits over billionaires!

Trump and Republicans in Congress want to cut popular public programs like Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act, and food assistance just to fund tax breaks for billionaires like Musk. Cuts to programs that provide health care, healthy food, and child care to millions of people are deeply unpopular, and will put our communities at risk. 

No one voted for Musk, but his hands are all over our money and many are concerned about the growing influence the ultra-rich have over programs millions of people rely on. Join our fight to put benefits over billionaires.

In a second Trump term, we know the GOP is going to try to cut programs like Medicaid and Medicare that at least 70 percent of Americans support. They want us to pay the price for handouts to their ultra-rich friends. 

Sign up with Community Change Action today and join the fight for an economy where everyone can thrive, not just the wealthy few. 

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