Defend Freedom of Speech. Defend Tatiana Menaker

  • av: Alexander Polyak
  • mottagare: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California, California State
Tatiana Menaker, a journalist, jewish activist, single mother, was expelled from SFSU for standing up against pro-communist faculty and pro-palestinian student body. Defending her is civil duty of every American who cares for this country, who cares for our Feedom and our future as a free society.
Western civilization, Christianity and Judaism are under attack world-wide. The assault is led by El-Qaeda and similar Islamist terrorist extremist groups. Actively complicit with them are Marxist and Neo-Nazi groups in the USA and abroad. The assault is carried out through bona fide terrorism perpetrated against our civilian populations in the USA and Europe, and through a propaganda war (PW) assault on our literary, journalistic, and educational infrastructures.

Perhaps the most troubling arena of this propaganda assault's success is our college campuses. It is a dire harbinger for the future of our civilization that extremist leftist and radical right wing groups, united on our campuses to challenge free speech and replace it with hate speech, are winning converts among our otherwise liberal and humanitarian college-age youth. Organized hate-fests on campuses across the country and in Canada, massive demonstrations which effectively intimidate authorities as they flout civil conventions and compromise campus regulations, and the support of international Moslem organizations...all combine to create a campus environment poisoned with anti-Jewish and anti-Israel invective.

Ironically, it is our USA tax dollars that are partially subsidizing the campus faculty and management who support, abet, trivialize, minimize, legitimize and even lionize the hate-mongers and their followers who have poisoned our children's college environment. The horifying success of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hate speech on campuses could not come about without the active participation of faculty and staff who lend the faux aura of legitimacy to the excesses that have turned some campuses into playgrounds of political machinations and polemic grand-standing.

Today, thanks to this successful PW assault, it is dangerous to be a Jew on many college campuses.

The latest victim of this venomous campus environment is a young Russian immigrant, journalist, and Jewish activist on the SFSU campus, Tatiana Menaker. She was unfairly singled out for extreme and unreasonable punishment by her college administration, and intimidated by supporters of the PLO on campus; and all for exercizing her right to civil free speech...speaking out against communism (which she experienced first-hand) and standing up for Israel's right to self-defense.

It is now time to challenge those who are changing the very substance of the word FREEDOM and making a mockery of our pride to be Americans. It is time to hold college governance accountable for its unconscionable surrender to extremist intimidation.

Freedom of speech is not freedom of hate speech. Those who engage in such hate speech, and who perpetrate the campus violence and intimidation that we have witnessed over the past few years, must be stopped. The college leadership that complicitly turns a blind eye to these anti-democratic excesses must be held accountable for their cowardly lapse of leadership.

We demand that justice be done for Tatiana Menaker. She must be reinstated as a student of SFSU with appropriate apologies from the university's faculty and governing body. And we demand that those same faculty and governing body uniformly and equitably enforce the rules of civil dissent on campus for ALL student groups, thereby protecting the democratic rights of ALL students.
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