Crack Down On The Illegal Hunting Of Birds Throughout Europe!

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: International Convention on Migratory Species & World Heritage Committee

Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to speak out in Europe against the illegal hunting of birds. Because of various looplaws and inconsistencies in the laws, it appears that too many birds are losing their lives, leading to a clear extinction of various breeds. We are concerned about specific species of birds such as the Amur Falcon and Lesser Whitethroat (Sylvia Curruca) along with the possibility of endangerment and extinction of these birds, among others.

The news seems to be full of stories regarding the killing and poaching of elephants and rhinos for their tusks and horns but rarely hear much about the killing of birds and other serious infractions of conservation laws on them throughout Europe. More realistic quotas and requlations need to be set and implemented to help maintain and protect various species of birds like the Amur Falcon and Lesser Whitethroat, just to name two.

The current weak laws throughout Europe actually allows the actual occurrence of organized hunting trips, targeting songbirds of the area. However, the number of birds killed and taken by the hunters is minute compared to those that were smuggled out of their habitat as a means to meet demand for traditional cuisine. It has been documented that poachers alone killed more than 2 million of the Lesser Whitethroat alone in the last couple of years.

Migratory birds like the Amur falcon are also trapped, killed and poached through human exploitation. It has been documented that tens of thousands of these birds were trapped illegally in nets and killed for food. The Amur’s relative, the Saker, is the bird of choice for Arabian falconers, and its wild populations are in extreme trouble. Many other species of birds are doomed unless their dangers and issues are recognized and address by the CMS and International government parties, along with the World Heritage Committee.

We are asking for your help by signing and sharing this petition worldwide with our efforts in saving and protecting the many bird species throughout Europe by implementing and more strongly enforcing laws to stop the illegal hunt, poaching, killing and smuggling of these birds. We need to encourage the Convention on Migratory Speciesa and the World Heritage Committee with steps taken to ensure that appropriate wildlife legislation is put in place, understood by the public and properly enforced.

International Convention on Migratory Species & World Heritage Committee - We are urging you to take extreme steps to crack down on the illegal hunting of birds like the Amur Falcon and Lesser Whitethroat, just to name a few! Implement more stringent laws against the killing of the birds and ensure diligent monitoring and enforcing of the laws in order to protect the many species that are dwindling in numbers due to senseless killing, poaching and smuggling of many endangered birds throughout Europe!

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