We Demand a Public Option

  • av: Care2
  • mottagare: President Obama and U.S. Congress
More than 40 million Americans - our friends, our children's schoolmates and our own family members - have no health insurance. This crisis not only costs us money, but it is costing lives:

  • 18,000 Americans die every year because they don't have health insurance - that's 50 people every day
  • 14,000 Americans lose their health insurance every day
  • More than 60 percent of people who go bankrupt do so because of medical bills

  • Health care should not be a privilege for the wealthy and the lucky. And health care reform should not be written by the private insurance lobby. We need real reform for real people, and it MUST include a public option.

    President Obama and Congress: We demand a public option!
    Dear President Obama and members of Congress:

    I am a concerned citizen who has followed the health care reform debates, and I am deeply disturbed at the possibility of a public option being dropped from the final health care reform bill.

    I demand a public option as part of any final health care reform legislation. [YOUR PERSONAL COMMENTS HERE]

    Too many Americans suffer from lack of insurance or from being under-insured. Health insurance profits are obscene. I want my tax dollars to be spent on people, not private profits. I want a public option to hold private insurers accountable and keep health care costs affordable for all Americans.

    Please ensure that any health care reform bill you pass includes a public option. Anything less does not constitute real reform.

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