Urge the Government of Bangladesh to Stop a Coal Plant From Being Built Near the World's Largest Mangrove Forest

  • av: Georgina B.
  • mottagare: Abdul Hamid, President of Bangladesh

A planed coal plant in Bangladesh threatens the world's largest mangrove forest and tiger reserve, according to a report on Mongabay.com

Bangladesh is noted as one of the world's most 'climate vulnerable' countries but plans to build a 1.3GW coal power plant on the fringes of its World Heritage coastal wetlands. The burning of coal for energy is the number one driver of climate change.

One of the most alarming aspects of the project is that the site is located only 14 kilometres from the Sundarbans Reserve Forest. The Sundarbans, stretching over Bangladesh and neighbouring India, is the world's largest mangrove forest and is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and biodiversity hotspot.

This power plant threatens animals, people and the planet! Will you join me in urging the Government of Bangladesh to cease any moves to built a coal plant near such an important habitat for tigers and to work towards 100% renewable energy with climate change such a significant threat to the country?

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