Save the House of Obasan from demolition!

Save the house of which novelist Joy Kogawa wrote in "Obasan" from demolition.

We, the undersigned petitioners, draw to the attention of the City of Vancouver, the Province of British Columbia, and the Government of Canada

THAT in 1942, under the War Measures Act, Joy Kogawa, her parents and brother were removed from the bungalow at 1450 West 64th Avenue in Vancouver;

THAT this home stands as a symbol of the forcible removal of Canadians of Japanese ancestry; and,

THAT this home is vividly described in Joy Kogawa's 1981 novel, Obasan, a seminal work in the redress movement for Canadians of Japanese descent whose efforts enhanced the meaning of citizenship for all Canadians;

AND THE PETITIONERS THEREFORE REQUEST THAT the City of Vancouver, the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada

Preserve the House of Obasan at 1450 West 64th Avenue in Vancouver for public use.

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