Help Cook Up a Hunger-Free Future

153 million children are facing hunger around the world. 

Together, we can help them bite back. The first step is building a better Farm Bill. 

Its hunger-fighting programs reach kids in the U.S. and around the world – but right now, they're at risk. If lawmakers don't protect this support, the global hunger crisis will only get worse.  

Let's create a future where every family has food on the table. Tell Congress to build a better Farm Bill!  

To whom it may concern: 

As work on the Farm Bill continues to heat up, I urge you to prioritize children. We must help food-insecure kids escape hunger once and for all! 

Please ask Agriculture Committee leadership to ensure the Farm Bill base text includes provisions that maximize access to nutritious food while protecting investments in long-term solutions to end hunger – across the nation and around the world.  

Food for Peace Title II, the largest U.S. international food aid program, feeds people facing humanitarian crises. In addition, its development programs break intergenerational cycles of hunger and malnutrition by helping communities work toward a future where they're not dependent on food aid. Strengthening all tools in the Farm Bill's international toolbox will allow us to provide lifesaving assistance in the short run and help communities become self-reliant.  

Here at home, SNAP is our most effective anti-hunger program. SNAP is projected to reduce rural child poverty by 20% and decrease food insecurity by 30% which creates better health and developmental outcomes for children. We must protect and strengthen SNAP benefit levels – now and in the future – to ensure families have enough money to put nutritious food on the table. 

Thank you for building a better Farm Bill to help every child thrive!

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