Tell Your Senators: Upgrade Aid!

Our hard-won development dollars can be dramatically more effective. It's time to upgrade aid.

Thanks to a bipartisan bill now in the Senate, we can take an important first step toward better, smarter U.S. foreign aid. A delay on committee deliberation gives us a new chance to mobilize desperately-needed public support and push this bill through.

To increase the quantity of our foreign aid, we must first increase the quality. With this bill, we can make our development assistance better and smarter so it helps more Africans lift themselves out of poverty.

Urge your senators to cosponsor the Foreign Assistance Revitalization and Accountability Act of 2009!
Dear Senator,

Please strengthen U.S. foreign aid by cosponsoring the bipartisan Foreign Assistance Revitalization and Accountability Act of 2009 (S. 1524).

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