Urge the Scottish Government to Increase Controls on Sporting Estates to Ensure the Protection of Birds of Prey

  • av: Georgina B.
  • mottagare: First Minister of Scotland is Nicola Sturgeon

Conservationists allege more than 800 birds of prey have been illegally killed in Scotland between 1994 and 2014, according to a news story in the Scotsman.com

The report states: "In total, 468 birds of prey were poisoned, 173 were shot and 76 were caught in banned traps....A number of domestic pets also died from poison directed at birds, with 14 cats and 14 dogs among 171 non-raptor species killed."

Conservationists say the true scale of the killings is unknown as many deaths go unreported and undiscovered.

The report shows, "many cases took place in areas associated with game-bird shooting, particularly grouse moors. This has sparked renewed calls for a tightening of controls on sporting estates."

Birds of prey should be protected! Will you join me in urging the Scottish government to implement tougher penalties for estates that are found to be deliberately killing birds of prey?

The government should also reinstate amnesties on banned poisons and include banned traps to encourage the conservation of raptors.

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