Petition to save the Mattole Forest

  • av: Rick Shreve
  • mottagare: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor, State of California
This petiton asks the Governor of California to take steps to protect what remains of the old growth forest in the Mattole watershed in Humboldt County, in Northern California.
Dear Governor:       We ask you to take whatever measures necessary to protect the remaining old growth forest on Pacific Lumber property in the Mattole River watershed. About 2000 acres of old growth is left. This unique ecosystem provides habitat for endangered species. A tiny pecentage of the original old growth forest in California is left. Pacific Lumber has been known for its unsustainable logging practices since it was taken over by Texas based Maxxam Corporation. These  practices have harmed water quality and downsteam residents. Steps could be taken to purchase the land or to ban old growth logging.
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