Stop Approving Hunting Licenses for Children

It is a little-known fact that children as young as ten years old can be certified to hunt with firearms in Australia.

The Victorian government offers free licenses to minors without requiring them to pass a Waterfowl Identification Test, which is a primary safeguard against accidentally killing protected species.

The risk of fatal hunting accidents is increased exponentially when shotguns are placed in the hands of inexperienced shooters.

Still, New South Wales is pushing to allow children as young as twelve years old to hunt with firearms in national parks. If the hunting lobby gets its way, a more dreadful danger will be posed against our wetlands and national parks.

These financial incentives and exemptions are unacceptable. Please write to your MP and express your disapproval of children being open to kill animals for entertainment.
Dear [Decision-Maker],

Hunting is a dangerous sport for all parties involved. Whereas it is an accepted right for adults to pursue hunting as a recreational hobby, offering free incentives for children to follow suit is a dangerous excuse for increased revenue.

The NSW is pushing to allow children as young as twelve years old to hunt with firearms in national parks. If the hunting lobby gets its way, a dreadful danger will be posed against our wetlands and national parks.

[Your Comments Here]

We should be fostering children with compassion and respect for animals — not actively recruiting them to a cruel and dangerous bloodsport. Please stand against the gun lobby's ill-formed incentive system.

Thank you,

[Your Name Here]
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