Stand with ChicoBag Against Plastic Giants' Lawsuits

Sponsored by: Surfrider Foundation, Earth Resource Foundation, Seventh Generation Advisors, Heal the Bay, WeTap, OMG (One More Generation), COARE, Ban The Bag in Belmont, Environmental Working Group, Green Cities California, ChicoBag Company, Dr. Suja Lowenthal, Vice-Mayor, City of Long Beach and .

There is a growing worldwide cultural and societal shift from disposable single-use plastic bags to durable reusable bags. However, instead of adapting their business to this new opportunity, the giant single-use plastic bag corporations and groups such as "Save the Plastic Bag Coalition" are spending millions of dollars on lobbyists and lawyers to try to stop this growing grassroots movement. The communities of Marin County and Long Beach California are being sued for doing what 25% of the world's population has already done - taken a stand to reduce unnecessary single-use bag litter and waste. Monumental industry litigation and huge lobbyist pressure has already derailed initiatives in numerous communities including, Seattle, Oakland and Palo Alto. Despite this, communities continue to fight back, with new cities and counties enacting ordinances to ban bags.

In desperation, the industry giants have started a new wave of lawsuits, this time attacking reusable bag companies. They have focused their sights on ChicoBag, a small, outspoken reusable bag company, which makes compact pocket-sized bags and totes. They point to ChicoBag's "Learn the Facts" webpage, which references widely accepted information to illustrate the gigantic gap between the consumption rates and recycling rates of single-use plastic bags, and the general impacts of single-use use plastics on our oceans and environment. The plastic giants claim the statements are false and misleading. In an ironic twist, the industry giants have launched a media campaign, trying to convince us that reusable bags pose a risk to our health. STOP THE MADNESS!

Please sign this petition to say "YES" to the reusable bag movement by saying "NO" to needless wasteful litigation and bully tactics. Tell the plastic bag giants drop their lawsuits against ChicoBag, Marin County, CA and the City of Long Beach, CA.
I know that reusable bags are better for the environment than single-use bags. I stand with ChicoBag, and support their efforts as a small, mission-driven company to help humanity reduce waste. I say no to needless wasteful litigation and ask the plastic bag giants drop their lawsuits against ChicoBag and other communities.
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