Ban Bullfighting in one of Spain's Largest Regions!

Every year, hundreds of thousands of bulls die in the name of entertainment. But this may change because the Catalonian government is on the verge of voting for a ban on bullfighting.

After a huge anti-cruelty campaign by the Catalonian public, the regional parliament will vote on July 28th whether to ban bullfight for good. We want every Catalonian MP to know there are thousands of people around the world who want to end this cruel 'sport'.

This is an historic moment and we need your help. Sign the petition urging the Catalonian Parliament to end the blood sport of bullfighting -- we only have until July 28th.
Dear Member of Parliament,

The current Catalonian Animal Defence Law of 2008* condemns all cruelty and forbids any spectacle where an animal is ill-treated or killed, with the exception of bullfighting. Catalonian law therefore denies the bulls and horses used in bullfights the protection accorded to all other animals.

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As you know, the citizens of Catalonia have recently been presented with an opportunity to voice their opinion on this exemption. The Popular Legislative Initiative (ILP) that has been in motion since December 2008, under the name Plataforma Prou, has received an overwhelming response from the Catalonian people, easily reaching the 50,000 signatures required to force a parliamentary vote. In fact, an unprecedented 180,000 signatures have been collected, all calling for bullfighting to be banned.

Every individual that has signed the ILP has done so in order to inform you and your colleagues -- their representatives at the Catalonian Parliament -- that they support a modification to the animal protection law that removes the exemption of bullfighting. They want you to recognise that the bulls and horses involved in bullfights are sentient beings, capable of suffering, and deserve the same protection that other species enjoy in Catalonia.

I am adding my signature to this letter in support of the Catalonian people's call for action. While my support cannot be officially recognised, it is important for the Catalonian Parliament to know that individuals across the world back the proposed modification to the law and that we look forward to celebrating a democratic, historic decision that represents progress towards recognition that all animals can suffer.

I therefore call on you, in your role as representative of the Catalonian people, to respect their call of 'enough is enough' and vote in favour of the modification: the time has come for an end to bullfighting in Catalonia.

* Decreto Legislativo 2/2008 de 15 de Abril por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la ley de proteccion de los animales (legislative resolution 2/2008 from April 15 by which the consolidated text of the law of protection of animals is approved).
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