Honorable return of the remains of Late Bir Shrestho Flight Lieutenant Matiur Rahman from Pakistan

Flight lieutenant Matiur Rahman was honored the highest award in the liberation war of Bangladesh in 1971. His remains are still in Masroor Air Force Base Pakistan and treated disrespectfully. This petition is about bring his honorable remains to his motherland for whom he sacrified his life and where he is a hero.


Honorable Prime Minister of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh         

Prime Minister’s Secretariat

Tejgaon, Dhaka


Subject: Honorable return of the remains of Late Bir Shrestho Flight Lieutenant Matiur Rahman from Masroor Air Force Base in Pakistan

Thru: Bangladesh Embassy, Washington D.C, U.S.A

Madam Prime Minister:

We the undersigned express our support to all your efforts to bring back the remains of Birshreshto Matiur to his beloved Motherland. We deeply feel the pain and understand the earnest desire of the family of Flight Lieutenant Matiur as they have appealed to your good office for transporting his remains from the current burial place in Masroor Air Force Base in Pakistan to a place in Dhaka, Bangladesh as selected by the family.      

Flight lieutenant Matiur Rahman was honored as Bir Shrestho for his ultimate sacrifice in the cause for the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971. It is important for a nation and for humanity to honor sacrifices against discrimination, oppression, and genocide. Respect for great heroes will help build better future for humanity.

We understand that there is active cooperation on a range of issues between the governments of Bangladesh and Pakistan. Cooperation should be based on mutual respect and your office should be able to convince the government of Pakistan to act respectfully to the wishes of the martyr’s family and the whole nation to make the necessary arrangements. We also want to appeal to you for making arrangements to receive the hero’s remains with proper national respect according to the wishes of the family.

Millions made their highest sacrifice in 1971 for the cause of liberation, democracy, economic emancipation and secular religious rights.  We believe that this focus will help improve the image of Bangladesh in the world community.

We hope that your government can accomplish this honorable duty which will also help build better relations between the people of both Bangladesh and Pakistan and we express all our support to your efforts.


All the Undersigned: 

CC: Honorable Prime Minister of Pakistan

Thru: Pakistan Embassy, Washington D.C

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