Don't Arrest Grandmas for Protesting Keystone on Their Own Land

  • av:
  • mottagare: Russ Girling, President of TransCanada
78-year-old Eleanor Fairchild was recently arrested for trespassing on her own 300 acre ranch in Winnsboro, Texas. The great-grandmother was protesting the Keystone XL bulldozers roaring through her property -- a project which forced Fairchild to give up her property rights in the name of Big Oil.

TransCanada, the owner of the XL Pipeline, can controversially seize the land of Texans who refuse to hand their property over to the massive oil project. Under the power of eminent domain, the government can seize citizens' property without their consent, since the pipeline is considered to be for "public use and benefit."

"I am mad. This land is my land. It's been our land since '83, our home is on it," Fairchild said. Toxic waste ponds, greenhouse gases, and groundwater pollution are among the impacts Fairchild is protesting.

Demand justice for the great-grandmother that was arrested for trespassing on her own property!
Dear Russ Girling,

The Keystone XL Pipeline has already provided us with numerous spills, toxic ponds, and greenhouse gases. Now, it's ripping people away from their homes? Arresting a 78-year-old grandmother for trespassing on her own property violates her rights as a homeowner and as a protester of the infamous tar sands pipeline.

Utilizing eminent domain--the ability to purchase landowner's property without their consent--only works if the objective is for public benefit. The phrase "benefit the public" must have been used very loosely here, as the Keystone XL pipeline is not simply for the good of the people. The project is widely and publicly protested and has already contributed to environmental turmoil, seized homes, and an international debate.

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It is completely unjust that Eleanor Fairchild had to stand in front of the bulldozers charging her own home and her own ranch that she has owned for nearly 30 years only to be arrested for a so-called public benefit.

Stop seizing innocent property-owners' land for an oil project they want nowhere near our country, let alone their homes!

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