Emergency Campaign on Global Warming

One Million Citizens - One Goal: Stop Global Warming!

We want one million people like you to demand that elected officials in America take action to stop global warming and support the Climate Stewardship Act. This historic legislation, introduced by Senate leaders John McCain (AZ) and Joseph Lieberman (CT), is one of the most important chances we have to act to avert dangerous climate change. No environmental goal is more important for the 21st century. SIGN NOW! TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS TO SIGN AS WELL!

WHEREAS... Climate change is one of the most pressing environmental problems of our time; and...

WHEREAS... Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released by fossil fuel consumption, deforestation and other human activities can trap heat in our atmosphere for 100 years or longer - with devastating environmental consequences; and...

WHEREAS... Current U.S. policy on climate change is one of indifference, out of step with world opinion, at a time when our damaging greenhouse gas emissions are continuing to increase...

THEREFORE... I urge you to co-sponsor and support, in every way you can, Senator John McCain and Senator Joe Lieberman's bipartisan Climate Stewardship Act, a bill to create national caps on greenhouse gas emissions.

Please respond letting me know whether you will or will not support the Climate Stewardship Act. Thank you.
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