Fight Climate Change From All Fronts

Climate change is a multi-sourced problem, so we must take a holistic approach to combat it. This includes keeping forests healthy, cutting carbon emissions from industry and transportation, and providing technology and financial resources for poor countries expected to feel the worst effects of global warming.

Last December in Copenhagen, the world took important steps toward curbing global climate change. But with the Kyoto Protocol due to expire in two years, nations must come together to sign a binding agreement this year that will address all of the sources of greenhouse gas pollution.

United Nations climate secretariat Yvo De Boer has urged world leaders to take this comprehensive approach. Encourage him to continue to advocate for a broad solution to climate change.
Dear Secretary de Boer,

I am writing today to thank you for advocating for a holistic approach to fight global climate change.

[Your comments will be inserted here.]

Climate change is a multi-sourced problem. While emissions from the industrial and transportation sectors of major industrialized countries comprise much of the pollution, other factors such as deforestation and forest degradation contribute to global warming significantly. Wealthy nations must provide technological and financial resources to poorer countries -- many of which are on the front lines of climate change's consequences.

Last December in Copenhagen, world leaders took important steps toward reaching an international agreement to reduce global emissions. But as talks continue throughout the year, they cannot look at issues in isolation. Only a comprehensive strategy to fight climate change will prevent some of the worst expected effects.

Thank you for supporting the comprehensive approach to fighting climate change, and please diligently continue to push for broad, lasting solutions to climate change.

Thank you for your time.
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