Demand Supermarkets Reduce Plastic Packaging!
- av: Greenpeace US 1
- mottagare: CEOS of Trader Joe's, Kroger, Costco, Walmart, Target, ALDI, Publix, Food Lion, Safeway, and Whole Foods
Plastic pollution is destroying our oceans. It's harming turtles, whales, fish, and every part of the ocean food chain. There are already over 5 trillion pieces of plastic in our oceans – and the equivalent of one garbage truck worth of plastic enters the oceans every minute. Even sea salt has microplastics in it!
We've been told individual recycling can fix this problem, but the reality is that only 9% of plastic is recycled. Instead, plastic producers have to cut plastic pollution off at the source. That includes stopping unnecessary plastic used to package the goods we buy every day.
Supermarkets must phase out this unnecessary plastic packaging. Grocers like Trader Joe's, Kroger, Costco, Walmart, Target, ALDI, Publix, Food Lion, Safeway, and Whole Foods have a huge role to play when it comes to plastic pollution. We are sold fruit, vegetables, meal kits, soda, chips, candy, sandwiches, shampoo, and soap packaged in plastic that we have no choice but to throw away. It is time for these supermarkets to invest in alternatives!
Add your name to demand the CEOs of these supermarkets ditch single-use plastic packaging and lead the way to healthier oceans and communities!
I urge you to work with Greenpeace to phase out unnecessary single-use plastic packaging and develop reusable options to ensure that plastic from your company's products are never again found in our oceans, waterways, or coasts.
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