Protect Honesty in Canadian Journalism

  • av:
  • mottagare: Canadian Radio-Television Telecommunications Commission
Fair and balanced news in Canada is about to be a thing of the past. The CRTC is about to pass a huge "loophole" to the rule prevents the media from telling blatant lies to Canadian public.

Surprise, surprise, this loophole comes just in time for the launch of Prime Minister Harper's Fox News North (Sun TV).

Fox News has made its living spreading lies and conservative propaganda in the United States. But Canada's broadcast journalism rules would have prevented it from using the same strategy to pump up ratings and push it's right-wing agenda.

But the CRTC's new rule would require any complaints about stories to prove that the broadcaster knowingly spread false information and that the information could endanger the lives, health or safety of the public.

Lies don't have to put people in physical danger to be wrong or damaging to society. Tell the CRTC to keep Canadian journalism honest!
Dear [Decision Maker],

Quality, accurate news is critical to functioning democracy and public knowledge. I urge you to protect truth in journalism and reconsider proposed loophole that would allow blatant lies to be broadcast into Canadian homes.

[Your comments will be added here]

Falsehoods don't have to physical hurt, kill, or sicken a person to be dangerous. The unchecked spread of false information as if it is news weakens democracy and inhibits citizens' ability to make informed votes.

Canadians deserve to turn on the news and not have to question whether a broadcast is true. Uphold the "fair and balanced" rule and keep honesty in all Canadian journalism!
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