Support Family Planning in Developing Countries

The international community has agreed that reproductive choice is a basic human right.

In many developing countries, affordable contraceptives and family planning services are not available. Hundreds of millions of women who want to use safe and effective family planning methods worldwide can't because they lack access to information and services or the support of their husbands and communities.

The proven benefits of family planning make it a critical tool for helping poor families. It can have profoundly positive affects on gender equality, maternal health, child survival and HIV prevention.

It is one of the wisest and most cost-effective investments any country can make towards a better quality of life for its people.

We must expand the availability of contraceptives and reproductive health services for individuals and couples in developing nations.
Sign the pledge:

I pledge to support more access to family planning services in developing countries. This access is important because it can reduce poverty, promote economic growth by improving family well-being, increase gender equality, prevent the spread of HIV and improve the quality of life for millions of children and families.

Countries must increase their investment in family planning services.
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