Tell the Senate to Reject Horrific Bill Giving Corporations Unfair Control Over the EPA!

  • av: Ann Ward
  • mottagare: United States Senate

The United States Senate is attempting to pass a Bill (H.R. 1422) that threatens to ruin the Environmental Protection Agency's Scientific Advisory Board with corporate funded scientists while at the same time NOT allowing independent scientific experts to have a voice with the EPA!

According to a recent article, the Union of Concerned Scientists director Andrew A. Rosenberg expressed these concerns: “Academic scientists who know the most about a subject can’t weigh in, but experts paid by corporations who want to block regulations can.”

Tell the United States Senate to REJECT this Bill that only serves to protect powerful corporations who only care about its profits and not the environment!

Dear John Boehner, United States Senate, 

We (the undersigned) respectfully ask that you reject H.R. 1422 that will effectively end any chance of an unbiased scientific examination of corporations business practices that affect the world's environment. 

It is quite clear that the passage of this Bill only serves the interest of the rich and powerful with no regard whatsoever for the earth and its inhabitants. 

We implore you all to do the right thing and put the earth and its people above corporate greed!



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