A Project to stop the bloodshed and Elimination Of armed group And fight against ignorance in the AW

  • av: Zienab Khaled
  • mottagare: All the leaders and presidents of the world and particularly the kings and heads of Arab and Islamic world all the world's media, including the media of Islamic and Arabic

Stop the killing and the flow of blood in the Arab world and the Islamic nation ،،،،،،،،،،

The elimination of the rebel movements and armed groups in the Arab world ،،،،،،،،

Fight backwardness and ignorance Establish security and stability in the Arab world and the Islamic nation،،،،؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛

Help future generations to think and production ،،،،،،،،

The advancement of the nation, in order to help all the poeple to live the best life،،،،،

A Project to stop the bloodshed and Elimination Of armed group And fight against ignorance in the Arab world


Uppdatera #210 år sedan
Thank you, my faithful friends The number of signatories reached 102
Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Thank you, my faithful friends
The number of signatories reached 86
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