Mexico: Protect Sensitive Forests in Enchanted Tlaxcala Forests

  • av: Jessica Ramos
  • mottagare: Rafael Pacchiano Alamán, Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico

Sensitive fireflies in the Mexican state of Tlaxcala are under attack. Flocks of tourists are traveling to this remote region to be enchanted by the fireflies during their mating season.

The forests may be lit up with life, but firefly advocates are worried that this ecotourism could spell the end for endemic fireflies. These special fireflies are extremely sensitive to light and sound -- the moon can even get too bright for them. Thousands of tourists -- with their cars, lights, technology, music, etc. -- are scaring the fireflies and stepping on their eggs.

During this sensitive time of global firefly decline thanks to commercial harvesting, habitat loss, light pollution and pesticides, we have to work aggressively to protect them. Mexico is an important firefly frontier as it's home to 164 firefly species, 84 of which are endemic to the country.

Sign and share this petition urging Mexican authorities to federally protect firefly habitat in the state of Tlaxcala.

Photo Credit: Mike Lewinski

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