Ask CBS & Affiliate Wink TV to apologize for finding torment of animals funny & tweeting it

On October 19 /2012 Genevieve Judge of CBS Affiliate WINK TV based in Florida made the tweet:

"It's video that is cracking up everyone in the newsroom - Chimps throwing racoons at the St. Louis Zoo! Happy Friday "

Screen shot of her tweet:

This is the full unedited video

This racoon was brutally tortured in the chimp enclosure at the St Louis Zoo. This is not nature , it is not natural. It is a zoo. It was thrown 2 times and no doubt must have suffered some head trauma. There is nothing funny about this video. I don't understand why anyone would "crack up" about it. Would you find it funny if those chimps were throwing around a dog?

Demand Genevieve Judge , CBS and Wink TV to post an apology to people who love animals and don't find any kind of cruelty to animals funny. Laughing about an animal being tortured in an artifical environment such at this zoo is cruel and distasteful.


Chris Ender

Senior Vice President, Communications, CBS Television


Wink News

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