Stop the Separation of Church and State

Lift the prohibition of prayer in our public schools.

We the people of America are requesting that you lift the prohibition against prayer in schools. As the pledge of our great country states, we are to be "One nation, under God." Please allow the prayers and petitions of our children in schools without the threat of punishment. Currently, adults, and children in the schools are prohibited from mentioning God unless of course, His name is uttered as part of a curse or profanity. Madeline Murray O'Hare is dead. Let her legacy of atheism in our schools die with her!

Sign Now!

Dear President Bush,

Many of us were deeply touched to hear you recite a portion of salm 23 in your address to this great nation in the dark hours following the terrorists attacks. We were encouraged and comforted to know that we truly had a believer working with us and for us in our nation's highest office.

We the people of America are requesting that you lift the prohibition against prayer in schools.
As the pledge of our great country states, we are to
be "One nation, under God." Please allow the
prayers and petitions of our children in schools
without the threat of punishment. Currently, adults,
and children in the schools are prohibited from
mentioning God unless of course, His name is
uttered as part of a curse or profanity.
Madeline Murray O'Hare is dead. Let her legacy
of atheism in our schools die with her!

Sincerely , The People of America

Mark 10:13-14 "People were bringing little
children to Jesus to have Him touch them, but the
disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was
indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children
come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom
of God belongs to such as these."
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