Please Do Not Build on the Redwood Acres Horsefarm Property

  • av: Tracy Brown
  • mottagare: Bernard Brown, President, Vineland Construction
We, people of New Jersey, are against the building of condos on the Redwood Acres Horsefarm property.
We, New Jersey residents, are against the building of condos on the Redwood Acres Horsefarm property. It is a wonderful piece of land filled with beautiful trees and wildlife that deserve to remain there untouched. Red-tailed hawks and many other birds depend on the stretch of trees to nest in year to year, as well as numerous wildlife species. There are many oaks on the land as well, and the oak is our national tree and should be respected, not cut down. Please reconsider building condos on that property, as it will make an eyesore for the residents who live nearby, not to mention, it will increase traffic as well. Instead of building condos on the property, please consider leaving the land and the trees untouched, and if you have to build, construct only a few homes around the trees instead. Another idea could be a park, where the trees could provide a nice atomosphere for the visitors there. Also, it might be possible to repair the barn, or build another one in it's place, and keep using the property as a horsefarm. A horsefarm or park would be a whole lot more acceptable and more beautiful to the residents nearby, who do not want to be surrounded by condos or have the traffic increased. Please do not build on Redwood Acres Horsefarm property! Let the animals and trees have a place where they can reside in peace! There are too many housing projects going on in Vineland...please don't let this beautiful land and all it's inhabitants become history!
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