Stop Dangerous Double Counting

  • av: ONE (OLD)
  • mottagare: Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen
People in the poorest parts of the world will be hit first and worst by climate change. Many leaders are promising to help people living in extreme poverty adapt to the effects of climate change and to help reduce emissions. This sounds great, but unfortunately, on closer examination, it turns out most of this money could be double counted--it's money that has already been promised as development aid.

In other words, some governments want to stretch their much-needed development funding twice as far to try and cover the new challenges presented by climate change. This dangerous double counting needs be exposed--and it needs to stop.

Ask Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen to stop leaders double counting money that is meant to help developing countries adapt to climate change!
Dear Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen,

As part of the Copenhagen climate agreement, please ensure:

1. That existing aid promises are kept.
2. That additional costs borne by people living in poverty caused by climate change are paid for by additional money.
3. That countries are transparent about how much development aid is being reallocated to fighting climate change.

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