Demand Windrift Adventures treat their dogs better!!!

  • av: Leigh Quinn
  • mottagare: Windrift Adventures, Toronto Adventures, Ontario, Canada

Located 5753 8th line north Moonstone, 40 km north of Barrie, Ontario, this dog sledding company treats their dogs horrifically. NOTE: This facility is in Canada, it is NOT in the U.S. 

A couple went to Windrift Adventures to try dog sledding and found the sled dogs living in horrible conditions - chained in their own waste, injured animals without vet care, only able to walk or run when pulling a sled. They took video of the conditions and shared the video on Facebook, documenting evidence of neglect and abuse.

Toronto Adventures booked the trip for the couple, and maintains that the company does not partner with those who abuse their animals. Windrift has garnered negative attention in the past, however. The documentary film "Sled Dogs" included footage of one of Windrift's dogs, frozen to death outside its minimal shelter.

Please sign and share to help save these poor souls!

Windrift Adventures is located in Moonstone, Ontario, Canada. It is NOT LOCATED in the U.S.

Uppdatera #17 år sedan
The OSPCA has investigated Windrift Kennels and mandated changes to how the kennel is treating its sled dogs. This is a step in the right direction, and we're very glad to see the quick response. We'll keep watching the story, and let you know if there are further developments. Thanks for your action, and thanks for caring about these dogs.
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