Plants extinction must stop. Add your name if you agree.

Here's a grim reality for you. Right now, there are well over 10,000 plant species threatened with extinction.

Most people couldn't name a single one.

The brutal truth is that your average human simply doesn't care about stopping them going extinct. Plants can't bleed, scream, cry, or show their desperation, so most people treat the need to conserve them with a toxic indifference.

And yet their species are being slaughtered at sickening scale. Their extinction rate is 500 times greater than before the Industrial Revolution.

That's not okay. Plants matter because they matter. They must not play second fiddle to the fluffy stuff.

Add your name to tell governments and conservation bodies that plants need to stay top of the agenda.

All plant species deserve their place on the planet, and we're becoming poorer every day for each one we lose.

Please sign now - help save them. 

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