Help us protect Maryland patients, critical life sciences jobs, and innovation

Maryland's life sciences industry leads the nation in medical innovations that transform the lives of patients across the country.

As Maryland's Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) looks to deliver recommendations on lowering prescription drug costs for patients this year, it's critical that any policies lawmakers consider to lower drug prices protect our robust life sciences ecosystem, not harm it.

Help us protect Maryland patients, critical life sciences jobs, and innovation.

Join us today and send a letter to Maryland lawmakers encouraging them to protect patient access to new and innovative treatments by supporting our local biotechnology industry. Maryland lawmakers should support drug pricing legislation that does not unintentionally bring revolutionary innovation, research, and development to a halt.
Dear Legislator,

As Maryland's Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) looks to deliver recommendations on lowering prescription drug costs for Maryland patients, I urge you to reject policies that would unintentionally stifle Maryland's life sciences industry and harm patient access to innovative, new medicines.

Maryland's life sciences industry is home to 2,700 life sciences firms, more than 500 biotechnology companies, and employs over 54,000 Marylanders. But the PDAB's upcoming recommendations could put the development of future treatments and cures transform patient lives at risk and threatens Maryland jobs and companies that contribute to our local economy.

Biotech is our state's lifeline. As the PDAB makes recommendations to address patient access and affordability, it is critical that lawmakers protect life sciences jobs and the thousands of companies across the state that work around the clock to find treatments and cures that help patients lead healthy lives.

Thank you,

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