Impeach Samuel Alito for endorsing Trump’s election steal conspiracy!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: United States Senate

In a truly stunning development, the nation has learned that in the wake of the 2020 election, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito had an upside-down American flag hanging outside of his home — a symbol of the "Stop the Steal" movement and a rejection of our democratic process.

The Justice has tried to blame this on his wife, saying that she had been trying to provoke one of their liberal neighbors, but in his response he did not deny the flag was flying upside down, didn't deny its meaning, refused to express any disapproval for it and didn't disavow it. This is an endorsement of Donald Trump's conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election and he must be impeached immediately.

Impeach Samuel Alito for endorsing Trump's "Stop the Steal!"

To make matters worse, the upside-down flag represents a serious violation of the ethics code that the Supreme Court Justices imposed on themselves less than six months ago. Of course, Alito certainly won't be holding himself accountable for his actions, so the United States Senate will have to do that for him.

We cannot have a treason-endorsing justice on the Supreme Court, especially since they're about to rule on Trump's immunity case. Justice Samuel Alito must be impeached IMMEDIATELY.

Impeach Samuel Alito for endorsing Trump's election steal conspiracy!

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