To Prosecute Scott Walker and others known to have used a LRAD against United States Citizens as a W

  • av: Thomas Murphy
  • mottagare: The President, The House and Senate

These devices cause extreme pain and that is torture. LRAD stands for Long Range Acoustical Device. I believe that any one who used one of these against United States Civilians should be prosecuted for the War Crime of Torture. This petition also is to establish that torture should be considered A Crime Against Humanity and punishable by the Death Penalty in the United States just as it is in the majority of countries in the world. This is highly consistent with the United States overriding Constitutional law banning the use of cruel and unusual punishment. The Constitution isn't meant to be subject to the willful mal-interpretation of madmen. These are the weapons of cowards and they do not belong in the United States and nor do those who use them belong among us.

Link to use in Wisconsin.

Everyone of these and similar devices must be made accountable for and surrendered to a new division of Government responsible for documenting their use, prosecuting those who used them and then completely destroying them.

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