Tell Prime Minister Trudeau to Say Goodbye to Enbridge

  • av: Dogwood
  • mottagare: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

The federal court of appeal has overturned the approval of Enbridge's oil tanker project. Once again, First Nations rights and title have prevailed over corporate greed.

The Courts have spoken. Let's make it official!

Last October, British Columbians elected Liberal MPs on a promise to ban oil tankers on B.C.'s North Coast.

Now is the time to put this pledge into action.

A legislated Tanker Ban is a chance to reconcile Canadian law with Indigenous laws, and to ensure the North Coast can never again be put at risk at the stroke of a pen. 

Please sign your name to tell Prime Minister Trudeau: It's time for Prime Minister Trudeau to ban crude oil tankers on B.C.'s beautiful North Coast.

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,

The federal court of appeal has overturned the approval of Enbridge's oil tanker project. Once again, First Nations rights and title have prevailed over corporate greed.

Last October, British Columbians elected Liberal MPs on a promise to ban oil tankers on B.C.’s North Coast.

Now is the time to put this pledge into action.

A legislated Tanker Ban is a chance to reconcile Canadian law with Indigenous laws, and to ensure the North Coast can never again be put at risk at the stroke of a pen.

After 10 years, we’re looking forward to the day we can finally say goodbye to Enbridge.

Please don’t delay. [Your comments here]

[Your name]

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