Tell Your Senators: Trump's EPA Pick Endangers Eco Protections

President Donald Trump has nominated Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to serve as the next administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. This is a deeply flawed nomination that puts America's bedrock clean air and water protections at grave risk.

The Senate confirmation vote is imminent, so please take action now. Tell your Senators you are deeply troubled and ask them to thoroughly vet Attorney General Pruitt during the confirmation process. 

Pruitt has a record of attacking the very environmental protections the EPA is charged with enforcing. Since becoming Oklahoma's top legal officer in 2011, Pruitt has sued the EPA to stop vital protections for public health—including standards for reducing soot and smog pollution that crosses interstate lines; protections against emissions of mercury, arsenic, acid gases and other toxic pollutants from power plants; and standards to improve air quality in national parks and wilderness areas. Pruitt has also questioned "the degree and extent of global warming and its connection to the actions of mankind." 

We deserve an EPA Administrator who is guided by science, who respects America's environmental laws, and who values protecting the health and safety of all Americans ahead of the lobbying agenda of special interests. But that's not the kind of EPA administrator President Trump has nominated.

Now is the time to take a stand. Tell your Senators you are gravely concerned about Attorney General Pruitt as the EPA nominee.
Dear Senator, 

I am shaken by Donald Trump's nomination of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as EPA Administrator.

Our country needs -- and deserves -- an EPA Administrator who is guided by science, who respects America's environmental laws, and who values protecting the health and safety of all Americans ahead of the lobbying agenda of special interests.

Since becoming Oklahoma's top legal officer in 2011, Pruitt has sued the EPA to stop vital protections for public health -- including standards for reducing soot and smog pollution that crosses interstate lines; protections against emissions of mercury, arsenic, acid gases and other toxic pollutants from power plants; and standards to improve air quality in national parks and wilderness areas.

Since 2002, he's received more than $314,996 from fossil fuel industries. He was caught sending letters to President Obama and federal agency heads that had been written by energy industry lawyers. Not surprisingly, Pruitt has also questioned "the degree and extent of global warming and its connection to the actions of mankind." On his own LinkedIn page, he boasts that he "led the charge with repeated notices and subsequent lawsuits against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for their [sic] leadership's activist agenda."

As you consider Pruitt's nomination, I ask you to hold him accountable by asking tough questions about how he would defend America's core clean air and water standards. It is essential that we put Pruitt on record and bring to the Senate's and the public's attention how an anti-science and anti-public health agenda endangers our kids and communities.

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Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Tomorrow (1/18/2017), President-elect Trump's pick to for EPA Administrator, Scott Pruitt, will face the Senate for his hearing. We need to make sure his questionable ethics are a part of the conversation. Activists like you have been phoning their senators to oppose President-elect Trump's pick to run the EPA — will you join them? Make the call before it's too late: Tell your Senators to question Pruitt's hazy ethics and oppose his nomination.
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