Little River Primary School after school program reclassification from Regional to Major City

  • av: Tash Jennings
  • mottagare: To the honourable speaker and a member of the house of Representatives

The decision to reclassify the Little River Primary School after school care program under the ARIA classification from Inner Regional to Major City, has resulted in a funding cut that will make the service unviable. This will be extremly detrimental to the community of Little River. This will unfortunately force parents to reduce their working hours so they can be availible to pick their children up at 1530 and reduce the valuable contribution they are making to the their families income and resultantly, the community. Little River is a small regional city with a population of just over 1400 people. We have no public buses or other means of childcare infrastructure. The Little River Primary School after school program is a vital element of our little community. Please sign this petition to help us lobby to get this decision overturned and share it amongst your family and friends. Thank You.  

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