Protect children in conflict zones – Tell your Representatives to support demining!

Every day, innocent lives are endangered by hidden threats beneath the soil. Landmines and other explosive remnants of war threaten the lives and livelihoods of civilians in over 60 countries and territories around the world, and the need is greater than ever to remove these underground threats.

Humanitarian demining programs promote safer societies where people can live without fear, particularly children, who are disproportionately impacted by these deadly devices. Last year, children made up half of all civilian casualties from landmines and other explosives. Demining programs allow children to play outside and attend school without deadly consequences.

By standing with us, you're standing for a world where no one lives in fear of landmines or other hidden dangers. Call on your elected officials today to urge them to support increased funding for humanitarian demining efforts.
Subject: Support $290m for Global Demining in FY25 Budget

Dear Representative/Senator,

As your constituent and a supporter of The HALO Trust, I am calling on you to support $290m of funding in the FY25 budget for the State Department's Conventional Weapons Destruction (CWD) programs and additional funding for landmine removal programs in Ukraine.

Landmines and explosives still contaminate 60 countries and territories worldwide. These lethal devices injured or killed nearly 5,000 people in 2022 alone – half of these casualties were children. We cannot stand by and allow these deadly devices to endanger the lives of innocent children and tear apart families.

From Ukraine to Vietnam, from the Solomon Islands to Colombia, explosive remnants of war not only threaten the lives of civilians and Americans traveling abroad, but also compound the humanitarian impacts of conflict by inhibiting economic development and jeopardizing food security.

The U.S. must continue to lead the world as the largest supporter of demining programs – providing a transformational and cost-effective form of international aid. These programs are an efficient way to promote economic development, allow safe access for other forms of humanitarian aid, enable the return of displaced families, remove hazards that could harm U.S. troops, and ensure that the U.S. fulfills its commitment to removing its legacy ordnance. Demining programs also see strong bipartisan support, as evidenced by the 112 bipartisan signatures on last year's House, and the 45 bipartisan signatures on last year's Senate Global Demining Appropriations Letters.

I am deeply concerned about the humanitarian and security cost of allowing landmines to remain in the ground. Therefore, it is essential that you show your commitment to these lifesaving programs by supporting $290m for CWD programs in the FY25 budget and additional funding for humanitarian demining programs in Ukraine.

Thank you for your leadership on this important issue.

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