Stop The Mass Killing Of Our Wild Mustangs

One of the biggest threats to America's Wild Horses is our own government. The Bureau of Land Management has requested the authority to slaughter wild horses and burros currently being held by the government in holding facilities throughout the United States, as well as horses on the range.

We must act now to protect up to 90,000 horses from death. Please let Congress know that the American public will not stand for the mass euthanasia of our nation's iconic wild horses and burros.

Sign the petition today and send a message to the House of Representatives and the Senate. Let them know Americans will not stand for the mass killing of our horses.

Subject: Don’t allow the BLM to slaughter wild horses and burros

Dear [Decisionmaker]:

Horses do not deserve to suffer for the Bureau of Land Management’s failure to properly manage the Wild Horse and Burro Program.

The BLM has requested the authority to slaughter wild horses and burros currently being held by the government in holding facilities throughout the United States, as well as horses on the range.

For the past 20 years, the BLM's failure to properly manage the Wild Horse and Burro Program has led the agency to focus solely on round-up and removal as a primary management strategy for wild horse and burro populations. As a result, the agency now finds itself with more than 90,000 wild horses and burros in holding facilities at a high cost to American taxpayers. This financial crisis is the direct result of poor decisions made by government officials.

Instead, the government should continue to care for the animals it removed from the range -- either by maintaining them for the remainder of their lives in holding facilities, or repatriating them to rangeland areas previously inhabited by wild horse populations.

Further, it is incumbent that the agency make real changes to fix the wild horse and burro program. The agency must reconfigure their management paradigm to focus on humane management tools. Please commit to a timeline to undertake these vital efforts to protect wild horses.

I will not stand for the mass killing of our horses. As your constituent, I ask that you do everything you can to save these horses.

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