Stop the needless killing of dogs all over the world!

A dog can be every community's friend and protector if we value and protect them. But every hour, around the world, we estimate that up to 1,200 dogs are being needlessly killed because of fear of rabies and other preventable problems. Tragically, it adds up to millions of dogs every year!

You love your dog unconditionally and make sure they are safe and provided for; shouldn't every dog have the right to live without suffering?

Overpopulation and fear of rabies are at the heart of this cruel and unnecessary killing. That's why World Animal Protection supports humane dog population management including mass vaccination which is the only way to effectively stop the spread of rabies, and promotes humane steps to address overpopulation including education for owners, dog registration, sterilization and re-homing.

World Animal Protection is working to create better lives for millions of dogs around the world – but it's going to take all of us raising our voices together to get the job done.

Sign the petition and join World Animal Protection as we create better lives for all dogs.

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