Tell the Feds: Don't Let Red Wolves Disappear

With only about 45 individuals left in the wild -- and only three known breeding pairs -- red wolves need the help of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to survive.

But instead of strengthening protections for these highly endangered creatures, the Service has halted efforts to help their recovery. It wants to restrict red wolves to federal public lands in just one county in North Carolina -- and snatch any wolves that roam onto private lands out of the wild and into captivity.

This would undermine decades of recovery work and probably condemn the wild population to extinction. Instead, the Service needs to identify additional reintroduction sites and help landowners coexist with these rare and social animals.

Take action today: send a letter to the Service requesting that it take definitive action to ensure their recovery.
Subject: The Service Must Commit to Saving Red Wolves

I'm writing to request that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service stem the rapid decline of the only wild population of red wolves in the world.

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I'm deeply disappointed that the Service has called for restricting red wolves to federal public lands in just one county in North Carolina and removing wolves that roam onto private lands from the wild. Wild wolf removals would undermine decades of recovery work and would likely condemn the wild population to extinction.

Rather than removing red wolves from the wild, the Service must allow expansion of the current red wolf population and use additional reintroduction sites across the red wolf's historic range. The agency also must work with landowners to promote coexistence and reduce gunshot mortality. And it should resume the use of proven techniques to promote wolf reproduction, such as pup fostering, where genetically valuable, captive-born red wolf pups are raised by wild wolf families.

Please hear the voices of red wolf supporters in North Carolina and respond with a renewed commitment to save these animals.

Thank you,

[Your name]
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