DEMAND that the Student who was Arrested for Threatening to Shoot and Kill 30 Students Earlier this Year, at Valley View Middle, be Removed from Sequoia Middle School and the Entire MDUSD!

This past June, a student from Martinez, was arrested for threatening to shoot 30 students at his school, Valley View Middle, in Pleasant Hill. According to news media, multiple firearms were found in his home, after Snapchat provided the information to the FBI and an investigation was done. This same student is now an eighth grader at Sequoia Middle School (SMS), Pleasant Hill and has two classes with my child. I am asking everyone to sign this petition to have this student removed from SMS and any school in the MDUSD. Here's a link to the news article about the incident:

Uppdatera #36 år sedan
Kevin Honey, SMS Principal, sent a misleading email, last night. Honey made it clear to me that he is “in dark” regarding details of the student’s mental health & actual reason he wasn’t charged. Confidentiality & protection laws are preventing the TRUTH from being released. I am working with representatives that know the facts because they work for entities that have delt with this teen’s case. I will take this to the White House and get support from Parkland and other schools if need be.
Uppdatera #26 år sedan
My son will not be at SMS until the District removes this student! I cannot send my child to school with a kid who, less than three months ago, claimed he was going to kill 30 of his classmates. That requires therapy, counseling and treatment much longer than just summer break. I don’t know how anyone can send their child to SMS knowing this. I’m not. I think more parents need to do the same in order for them to see to start taking action.
Uppdatera #16 år sedan
Here is the article about the incident this past June at Valley View Middle School.
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