Urge Congress to Crack Down on Puppy Mills

Legislation to crack down on puppy mills has been reintroduced in Congress. The Puppy Uniform Protection and Safety (PUPS) Act will close a loophole in the Animal Welfare Act regulations that currently allows puppy mills to sell dogs over the Internet without any oversight or standards of care.

This bipartisan bill will require the following changes to the AWA:
1. All dog breeders who sell more than 50 puppies per year directly to the public will be federally licensed and inspected;
2. Dogs at commercial breeding facilities must be given the opportunity to exercise for 60 minutes a day; and
3. The bill will not affect small breeders and hobby breeders who sell fewer than 50 dogs per year directly to the public, but is crafted to cover only large commercial breeding facilities.

Sign this petition to send a message to your legislators expressing your support for S. 395 / H.R. 847 -- the PUPS Act.
Dear Legislator,

Subject: Please support and co-sponsor S. 395 / H.R. 847, the PUPS Act, to crack down on puppy mills

I support a bipartisan bill that was recently introduced in Congress to help crack down on puppy mills. S. 395 / H.R. 847, the Puppy Uniform Protection and Safety (PUPS) Act, will close a loophole in the Animal Welfare Act regulations that currently allows puppy mills to sell dogs over the Internet without any oversight or standards of care.

[Your comments will be inserted here.]

Puppy mills are large-scale, commercial breeding operations where dogs are commonly housed in overcrowded, filthy and inhumane conditions. The current law allows large, commercial breeders who sell puppies online or directly to the public to escape the licensing and inspection requirements that apply to breeders selling dogs to pet stores.

This issue is very important to me. Dogs shouldn't be treated like a cash crop. The federal law regarding the care of dogs at commercial dog-breeding operations needs an overhaul, and this legislation will correct some of the worst gaps and deficiencies in current law.

Please support and co-sponsor S. 395 / H.R. 847, the Puppy Uniform Protection and Safety (PUPS) Act, today.

[Your Name Here]
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