End Alaska's Awful Aerial Wolf Killing Programs -- Support the PAW Act!

In 1971, Congress passed the Airborne Hunting Act banning the use of airplanes to hunt wolves. But the State of Alaska is exploiting a loophole that has allowed private citizens in aircraft to kill of hundreds of wolves annually under what's called "wildlife management."

Since 2003, the state's aerial killing programs have claimed the lives of more than 1,000 wolves. During the 2008/2009 aerial gunning season, more than 250 wolves were killed -- making it one the deadliest season in years!

Recently, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) introduced the Protect America's Wildlife (PAW) Act, federal legislation working to end the controversial practice of aerial wolf hunting in Alaska and prevent it from spreading to states in the lower 48. The introduction of PAW in the Senate marks a landmark opportunity to stop aerial hunting once and for all. Urge your Senator to support the PAW Act today.

Dear [Decision Maker],

As one of your constituents and someone who cares about protecting wildlife, I urge you to cosponsor Senator Dianne Feinstein's inaugural introduction of the Protect America's Wildlife (PAW) Act, federal legislation to end the controversial practice of using aircraft and gunmen to chase and kill wolves in Alaska.

Officials in Alaska have flouted the intent of the Federal Airborne Hunting Act that Congress passed in 1972 and perpetuated a scientifically unfounded aerial wolf killing program.

[Your personal comments will be added here.]

So far, more than 1,000 wolves have been chased down by gunmen in low-flying aircraft and killed with high-powered rifles. This year alone, at least 232 wolves have been killed -- putting the 2008/2009 aerial wolf killing season on pace to become the deadliest in years.

This brutal practice has been condemned by wildlife biologists, hunters and conservationists from Alaska and around the world... and with good cause.

Under the program, private trophy hunters can use planes to track and shoot down wolves from above or chase them to exhaustion and kill them at point-blank range. It is not ethical hunting and the state has no reliable numbers on which to base their decisions on how many wolves are killed under the program or any solid data to substantiate the program's effectiveness.

I am outraged by aerial wolf killing and hope that you will do everything in your power to stop this awful practice as an original cosponsor of the Protect America's Wildlife Act.

Thank you for considering my comments. I look forward to your response.
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