Connect Kids With Nature, Not Concrete!

Childhood is increasingly spent indoors, where children spend more time with electronic media rather than in active, outdoor play.
Worse still, the little time children have outside during the school day is increasingly spent fenced in on concrete playgrounds, with little to no hands-on interaction with nature.
Too often, school grounds look more like jail yards than places that foster healthy play and interaction with nature.
Research shows that the absence of outdoor play in childhood is linked to increased incidence of childhood obesity, Type 2 diabetes and asthma in children. Just as children need good nutrition and adequate sleep to be healthy and happy, they need contact with nature.
Beyond the health implications, if children are disconnected from nature there is little hope that they will work to protect it.
It's time we stood up for our children and our environment. Add your name today if you believe school grounds should connect kids with nature, not endless concrete!
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