Save Whales from Navy Sonar deployment

The U.S. Navy is still planning on undertaking a scaled back version of their testing of Low Frequency Active (LFA) sonar in the oceans. LFA is proven to injure and destroy whales and dolphins. LFA noise is millions of times more intense than the Navy considers safe for human divers and billions of times more intense than levels known to disturb large whales.

In November, following a ruling by a Federal magistrate, the Navy scaled back its testing plans. But it hasn't scaled back sufficiently, as the sonar can seriously harm marine life. Sign now, and support a ban on such testing.

In March, 2000, during a Mid- range frequency (rather
than the Low Frequency bandwidth of LFAS) test in the Bahamas, four different species of whales and dolphins beached themselves suffering from hemorrhaging/bleeding in the ears. A National Marine Fisheries Service and Navy investigation determined the deaths were almost certainly caused by the LFA test. A follow-on study in February 2001, determined that at least one of those whale species no longer existed in the area.

Mid-range frequencies are already in use world-wide, and are now proven to be very dangerous in certain circumstances. The LFAS system is even more dangerous, as the sounds will propagate farther and be disabling at a greater distance.

Whales rely on their sensitive hearing for survival. A whale cannot survive without its hearing. The Navy's attempts to deploy LFA could result in the extermination of whales and dolphins world wide. SIGN NOW!

The U.S. Navy is planning on deploying Low Frequency Active (LFA) sonar across 80% of the Earth's oceans. LFA is proven to injure and destroy whales and dolphins. LFA noise is millions of times more intense than the Navy considers safe for human divers and billions of times more intense than levels known to disturb large whales.

In March, 2000, during a Mid- range frequency (rather
than the Low Frequency bandwidth of LFAS) test in the Bahamas, four different species of whales and dolphins beached themselves suffering from hemorrhaging/bleeding in the ears. A National Marine Fisheries Service and Navy investigation determined the deaths were almost certainly caused by the LFA test. A follow-on study in February 2001, determined that at least one of those whale species no longer existed in the area.

Mid-range frequencies are already in use world-wide, and are now proven to be very dangerous in certain circumstances. The LFAS system is even more dangerous, as the sounds will propagate farther and be disabling at a greater distance.

Even the Navy acknowledges the danger of LFA. An internal study briefly exposed a 32 year old Navy diver to LFA sonar at a level significantly below what it is designed to operate. The diver had to be hospitalized, and two years later was still being treated with anti-depressant and anti-seizure medications.

Whales rely on their sensitive hearing for survival. A whale cannot survive without its hearing. The Navy's attempts to deploy LFA could result in the extermination of whales and dolphins world wide.

We have fought long and hard to stop international whaling efforts. It is hypocritical and absolutely wrong for the U.S. government to sanction the LFA sonar system that could lead to massive extinctions of marine animals. We demand the immediate halt to the deployment of LFA sonar!
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