Demand a STOP to ANIMAL ABUSE and CRUELTY NOW! Urge Slovakia and EU for a government funded RSPCA!

  • av: Lenka Loboda
  • mottagare: President of Slovakia and the UN

The RSPCA is a community-based charity that works to prevent cruelty to animals by actively promoting their care and protection. It is important to have such an organisation such as RSPCA in Slovakia and EU countries. These countries have lack of funding for any type of animal care. Animal cruelty and abuse is at its peek and animals have no rights. DE-sexing, chipping is not mandatory, litters of puppies with their mothers are dumped on sides of the roads in forests in dumpsters etc., many as they are born are killed by either by drowning or by being placed in a plastic bag and beaten against are a hard surface. Please help Slovakia and surrounding countries do the right thing and help set up an organisation such as RSPCA to save our defenceless living beings. If we do not do anything NOW, cruelty and abuse will continue forever!
Please SIGN this petition and help to create an easier world to live in!

Above is Keisy. After a long and painful treatment Keisy died. Keisy was attacked with a stone that smashed her skull causing cerebral edema.

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