Demand that justice be served and the Abused Dog 'Wolfie" be allowed to be taken to another rescue in Pa.

On Jan 22 2016 Homeward Bound Animal Rescue in Lawrence Ky was raided . the premises was in horrible condition-- dogs sick and neglected--sick animals not taken to vet-the owner stephanie fields was arrested and charged .178 dogs were seized and now need homes
to view local t v news report

the owner has been released and allowed to keep 20 dogs You read it right the judge let her keep 20 dogs that's just wrong .judge needs to step down .he cannot apply the law correctly
animal abuse is a crime a felony in all 50 states.1 dog named "wolfie" is still on the premises and she refuses to allow another rescue in Pa to save him..He is old and sick and abused his whole life.. Wolfie has endured life in a puppy mill untill she could no lopnger breed and was tossed aside. enter homeward bound..
Stephanie Feilds has no business caring for animals .
Please help save Wolfie"

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